Heightened Information and Resources for Employability Development – HIRED


Project code:

eMS code: ROBG-179

Programme priority axis – 4. A skilled and inclusive region

Programme priority specific objective – 4.1.  To encourage the integration of the cross-border area in terms of employment and labour mobility


Project summary

The Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area (CBA) displays high unemployment and inactivity rates. At the same time, managers in the region complain about difficulties in finding qualified workforce. This points to labour market mismatches and signals the need to better correlate education with existing and future job opportunities. The HIRED project addresses this issue through joint research and educational initiatives that offer a comprehensive solution. We aim to (1) enhance the information about labour market demand through forecasting research; (2) provide joint training in 3 growing sectors of the market, enabling 300 CBA citizens to gain skills and obtain qualifications in Entrepreneurship, Sales and Project Management; (3) build a sustainable eLearning platform that will: raise awareness about lifelong learning, provide tools for developing transversal skills, stimulate mobility by offering Bulgarian & Romanian language courses, and inform CBA citizens about fiscal & legal issues regarding work on the other side of the border. These activities are complemented by support & dissemination actions: 2 conferences to present research results to relevant stakeholders and 2 job & education fairs for facilitating links between employers, training providers and jobseekers. The project will result in 4 initiatives that will increase employability and mobility in CBA.


Project main objective

We aim to provide sustainable & research-informed instruments for enhancing employability & work mobility in the CBA.

Knowledge of labour market trends are correlated with choosing better educational and career paths. Skills upgrading in the area of business and administration enhances individuals’ employability and it also has the potential of creating new enterprises, thus generating further jobs opportunities.


Expected results

Result 1. Report forecasting labour demand trends;

Result 2. 300 people with improved business & administration skills;

Result 3. Increased awareness of lifelong learning & fiscal/legal aspects related to work across the border for 5000 people;

Result 4. Web platform with tools for upgrading skills including Ro&Bg language courses;

Result 5. 200 people more informed on work & training opportunities in the CBA.

Programme results will contribute to population that has access to joint employment initiatives.